Called to Shine Podcast

Called to Shine Season 1 Trailer

Jesslyn Adams & Pam McCune Season 1

Welcome to the community where we know Jesus is our light, and we are here to spur each other on to love God and others right where we live. We are called to shine.

The Called to Shine Podcast will launch Season One on October 17th with two episodes and then continue weekly through December 5th.  Meet Jesslyn and Pam, your co-hosts, as they explore how we can shine like stars in the universe in the midst of walking through everyday life. 

Follow and subscribe to Called to Shine as we look into how stars shine brightest--

  • It begins with a calling. 
  • Stars shine brightest that are the most luminous with the strongest power. 
  • Stars shine brightest that are closest. 
  • Stars shine brightest when it's darkest. 
  • Stars shine brightest in a cluster.  

Come join the Called to Shine community on Instagram @called_toshine, we would love to see you there! 

SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.

And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (

— A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru

Hello, Jesslyn here, and Pam—Welcome to the community where we know Jesus is our light, and we are here to spur each other on to love God and others right where we live. We are called to shine.

Jesslyn, It’s tempting to try and make ourselves shiny on the outside for people. But that is not what we are talking about.  God has called us to shine from the inside out. How do we do that?

Jesus says “I am the light of the world” and as we are in relationship with Him, He gives us His Spirit and His light. And as we walk with Him He shines from inside us —out to others.

We are also called to shine like stars in the universe by walking with God in a dark and broken world.

And what do we know about stars? Stars shine brightest that are closest. Who is in your proximity that you can shine God’s love toward?  Stars shine brightest when it's darkest. Who is going through darkness and needs our mercy and love?  Stars shine brightest in a cluster. It is all about walking together through life!

Join us for season 1 of Called to Shine as we journey together on how to shine out God's love this fall through the big three holidays, and through living real life. 

It will look different for each of us depending on our capacity, gifting, and season of life, but all of us have a calling to love God and love others. 

Mark your calendar for October 17 to listen to the 1st podcast and subscribe anywhere podcasts are found.  We are Called to Shine. Let's do this together.

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