Called to Shine Podcast
Welcome to the community where we explore how Jesus is our light, and we are here to spur each other on to love God and others right where we live. We are called to shine.
Come join the community on Instagram @called_toshine, we would love to see you there!
-- A ministry of NBS2GO (Neighbor Bible Studies 2GO/ www.nbs2go.com) and Cru.
Called to Shine Podcast
Stars Shine Brightest in a Cluster: Using Your Giftings Complementary With Others
In our solar system, The Milky Way, there are 1000’s of star clusters. A cluster makes an impact because alone each star may not stand out but together they make a powerful light image. Clusters are powerful because there is synergy where the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts: synergistic symphony— where synergistic parts work together they accomplish more than they could ever accomplish alone.
The rare Globular star clusters are held together by mutual gravitational attraction. Interestingly, we as Christian’s have mutual gravitational attraction in our purpose and our calling. At the same time we are so very different- in cultural backgrounds, seasons of life, capacity and gifting. But as we come together and live out loving God and pointing people to Jesus TOGETHER, then we shine with synergistic parts and make an impact in a cluster.
We are delighted to welcome Jessica Gilbert, the creative mastermind behind making magic happen on our Instagram reels, to share her insights on working out of her gifting on The Called to Shine Team. Is there something God has put on your heart, that could be accomplished in a cluster? Watch for who God might bring in your life for you to each work out of your gifting, and accomplish more together than you ever would alone.
As the Christmas season draws near, before all the decorating, shopping, and school events take over, don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate and adore The Savior. This is a great time to shine in a cluster, by going through The Advent Study together with friends, family or neighbors. We'll walk through the first Christmas, in The Bible, drawing from our NBS2GO Advent Bible study, a free resource found at nbs2go.com. You can also find it on You Version: Advent: Come Let Us Adore Him.
So, come listen in and experience the joy of studying God’s Word, the power of community, and the beauty of our unique gifts. Let's shine brighter - together!
SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.
And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (nbs2go.com)
— A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru
Hello, Jesslyn here and Pam, welcome to the community where we explore how Jesus is our light and we are here to spur each other on to love God and others right where we live. We are called to shine In our solar system, the Milky Way, there are thousands of star clusters. 150 of the more rare globular star clusters have been identified. More common are the thousands of open clusters. A cluster makes an impact because alone each star may not stand out, but together they make a powerful light image. Consider Pleiades, one of the most famous clusters. You can find it as you look at Orion the hunter with the three stars in his belt and then go up to the stars in his sword. They point to Pleiades. Clusters are powerful because there is synergy, and you can even see this cluster with the naked eye, where the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Syngistic symphony sin means together with or united. When synergistic parts work together, they accomplish more than they could ever accomplish alone.
Pam McCune:These rare globular star clusters. They are held together by mutual gravitational attraction, reminds me. As Christians we have mutual gravitational attraction in our purpose and calling, but at the same time we are so very different in cultural background, seasons of life, capacity, giftings, as well as where we are in our faith, but drawn together toward that one pool God and our desire to walk with him, know him and make him known. I've experienced this personally in my own life and neighborhood. 33 years ago I would get involved missions, kids ministry, women's ministry, and one other person kept being in each opportunity that I had. We quickly learned we had the same heart of loving God and wanting to be involved in loving people and helping them love God. We also learned we were completely opposite personalities and giftings.
Pam McCune:She was a pioneer, taking risks, stepping out. I am a detailed person who likes research and follow through, but please don't make me be the risk taker. Together we've tackled so many projects she running ahead, taking the risk, and me ducking behind, picking up all the pieces. We say together that we make one complete person. We each have a plethora of weaknesses and both have some strengths but, as only God can do, they complement each other. He brought us together so often that we finally realized we work well together. So Kim and I have hosted radio together for five years, wrote two books and we traveled for 15 years speaking and, most dear to my heart, we built houses two doors down from each other, raised our kids, hosting neighborhood events, carrying each other's hurts, joys, tackling challenges and celebrating wins. She can see what I can't and I am thankful for God's scene that I needed her.
Pam McCune:You know, in the Bible there are over a hundred different verses about one another. Even in Hebrews 10, we as believers are challenged to spur each other on to loving good deeds. God knows we need each other to spur each other on and to be in it. Together we are better together. Has God put something on your heart that you see you need help in accomplishing? Or maybe it would just be more delightful to do with someone else Watch for who God might bring to mind or in your path that has the same heart and complementary giftings to be together.
Pam McCune:Today we are so excited to welcome a bright star in our called to shine cluster Today Jessica Gilbert, who uses her creative giftings making Instagram magic happen. Jessica and I have worked together intently for the last two years when I sent the calling to create an Instagram account that focused on being a light to those around us with a sensitivity to millennials and Gen Z, and I knew I needed some creative millennial juices. I actually didn't know Jessica well, but God put her on my heart and I remember when I first asked her if she would join me on this adventure and basically she said how did you know I would like this? I love things like this. Well, I didn't know, but God did, and he put her on my mind. Jessica, it is so good to have you with us.
Jessica Gilbert:I'm so excited to be here and just to see the podcast finally launching. It's been a dream of ours for a long time. I am a West Coast girl, born and raised in Southern California. I graduated from Arizona State University. I met my mid-western husband and moved to Texas together about 10 years ago. We have three kids who are four, two and one year old. So I am very much in the thick of motherhood and that's really why I love being part of neighbor Bible studies to go and doing what we do here with called to shine, that I get to serve alongside my family right where I'm at.
Jesslyn Adams:How has working on the called to shine Instagram played into your own strengths and gifting?
Jessica Gilbert:Yeah. So I think everybody's a creative person. I just find that my creativity doesn't really come through drawing or writing, but it's in creating visual and video content. For example really enjoyed making a video post, something that I experienced in my neighborhood. It was about taking a meal to a neighbor. You're expecting a certain reaction. You put so much effort into putting the meal together and how much are they going to love it and then you get there and you get a different reaction than when you're expecting and even a negative reaction. Getting this video together, getting to use my creativity, giving people relatable content, that's just fun for me. I love doing the Instagram. I get to record and rerecord things as I see fit.
Pam McCune:I think it comes across that it's really fun. You really shine when you're doing it and that post that you were talking about it keeps getting more views. It's had 21,000 views, Wow, and it's so creative and I can say you really do work out of your giftings and it's so amazing to what you work. I've learned a lot from working with you. I think I love that we're so different but then we have so much alike. I think we're much better together. Jesslyn, can you tell us more about your strengths and were? You would like someone to come alongside of you.
Jesslyn Adams:This is funny, pam, because, as I heard you talk about your friend Kim, there's some similarities From different feedback and reviews. I've been told that I'm optimistic, outgoing, and I'm ready to take risk and try new things. I love pioneering new things with enthusiasm. I love connecting to people easily. Where I need help is for someone to come alongside me and help me to stay the course of finish what I start. When Pam told me about the podcast, we were dreaming about it. I mean, I've been chomping at the bit. I was just ready to start blazing and you, on the other hand, were like we're going to pray. God's timing is the best timing. There's a lot to do to get prepared. I'm like, oh yeah, I need help. Help me get organized the details and help me to persevere when things get hard or difficult.
Pam McCune:At the very beginning, as we were brainstorming and dreaming, I learned you didn't enjoy sitting on things. You enjoy bringing things to completion, moving on.
Jesslyn Adams:Oh yes.
Pam McCune:That has really been good for me. I see how God has put us together. You help me when I get stuck in the weeds because I can get really focused. Jessica and Jesslyn, you both do this for me. You come alongside me and you help me make a decision and then you help me move on. I like how you can see the big picture when I'm stuck in the minutia. I very much need a Jessica and a Jesslyn. One thing I'm wondering, Jesslyn, were you always willing to run out and take risk?
Jesslyn Adams:You know, back in high school when you got superlatives I said I was like most outgoing and most daring. If someone did a dare I would do it. I just want to be adventurous. I want to do many things. As I get older I'm noticing that decreases a little bit as I have littles under my care. In fact, jessica, we were at our retreat for our team last February and it was pretty cold outside and there was a lake in a kayak. Jessica said, hey, I want to go on this, he'll go with me. Oh wait, I've got Jesslyn, I'll do it. And I said yes, ma'am, I will.
Jessica Gilbert:We had the fun and I had fun with you.
Jesslyn Adams:I honestly didn't know it was going to happen and I got wet when it was 40 degrees, but it was super fun and probably one of my highlights of that.
Jessica Gilbert:Mine too.
Pam McCune:OK, Jessica, tell us, what about you growing up? Where did that creativity and all the things that make you tick come out as a child?
Jessica Gilbert:You know, my mom often told me wow, you're so good at this or you're so creative. I don't really see it as a kid.
Pam McCune:What about music? When did music come into your life?
Jessica Gilbert:Well, that's a good question. I got to learn piano as a kid sing it plays, that was really fun. And then what was really special was when I went on a camping trip with my freshman Bible study and these guys in the group taught me how to play the guitar overnight. It was cool that they took the time to do that and from there I just learned hey, I could actually play a song. That's fun for me.
Pam McCune:You have so many giftings that we get to see and that we get the benefits of. Thank you, yes.
Jesslyn Adams:And I love hearing all of our strengths in the way God's wired us. I believe Jesus saw the value in the body of Christ, serving together, being better together. In Luke 10, we see Jesus sent them out, 70 of his followers, to the other cities and neighborhoods to get to know the people and point them to Jesus. He sent them out in twos, not alone, to prepare people for Jesus' arrival in their city to be a light. I see many benefits to shining together in a cluster by partnering up with friends who share a similar desire for others to know Jesus personally.
Jesslyn Adams:Currently, right now, I have a dear friend named Carolyn who has a deep desire for her neighbors to know Jesus. She approached me about helping facilitate one of our NBS to go's light Bible study in her neighborhood and over the couple months that we've been meeting together I have quickly seen how much it is a blessing to serve alongside Carolyn, to have a partner. She is so intentional in getting to know these women. She has name tags ready, she has snacks prepared, makes a cozy little environment to sit. She sends out weekly texts and reminders and prayer requests and we take turns facilitating and asking questions in the Bible study. I cannot emphasize enough how special it is to do with this woman. Carolyn is so special and kind and faithful, and she and I bring different things to the table in different perspectives, and together we try and encourage others.
Jessica Gilbert:Jesslyn that's awesome that you and Carolyn shared those responsibilities of leading your neighbors and Bible study together, because I struggle with thinking, oh, everyone's busy doing their thing, this is just my responsibility, when in reality I need others to help and others want to help. Just a couple weeks ago I threw a fall block party for our neighbors. It was a big undertaking. I ended up being so grateful that many others shared this vision of being a light to our neighborhood, because there's no way I could have done it alone. My husband helped plan it with me. Neighbors brought food to share. Someone brought the most amazing fried rice. A friend came to support me to help me host and hold my kids so I could focus on having conversations with my neighbors. And then, when we were wrapping up the party and the hosting fatigue was setting in, a community group from my church came and helped tear down and clean up. When we were at our tiredest. They were there to help. I was so grateful. I could not have done it alone.
Pam McCune:I'm curious in hosting neighborhood events, do you have a part that you're favorite, you really enjoy doing? That's a good question.
Jessica Gilbert:I think I like having had hosted the event and looking back on the highlight of it During the event. I'm not going to lie, I have to rely on God, try not to get stressed out because I'm an introvert and I got three little kids I'm trying to constantly keep track of and again that critical mind of like, oh, this could be better. So I like having had hosted people and looking back on wow, that was a really cool conversation. I'm so thankful that God gave me that moment to spend with this young girl in my neighborhood, or we got to make someone in our neighborhood smile today. Those are probably my favorite parts.
Pam McCune:That actually makes sense to me. I do see. While it's going on, you're wanting to make it better and everything go right, and I love it, jessica, of how your community group saw man.
Jesslyn Adams:She's probably going to be tired. We should come help clean up. Who offers to do that? In fact, we had Halloween the other night. A friend of mine from my Bible study that was coming to help us asked would you like help setting up or tearing down? I said tearing down. I love it that your friends offered to help and it's such a beautiful picture of God using different people with different gifts coming together to shine even brighter.
Jesslyn Adams:As we head into the Christmas holiday season, our calendars can quickly fill with parties, school events, decorating and shopping, but we don't want to miss the opportunity to stop and adore the savior that we are celebrating. One way I do this is by gathering with friends and neighbors looking at the first Christmas in the Bible of Jesus's arrival. In this event, doing it in a cluster is key. I need Carolyn and others to help me host and facilitate the discussion. Our crew neighbor Bible Studies to Go team has created Bible studies in over 40 languages that are free and accessible online for anyone to use for their own personal Bible time, one-on-one or in a group study. You can access these on our website at mbstogocom.
Jesslyn Adams:Nbs to Go's heart is to see communities transform through the power of God's word. We have many tips and tools to encourage and equip people in developing relationships, studying God's word and inviting others to Bible studies. You might be thinking why are these any different? The NBS to go Bible studies are a very simple format, easy to facilitate and the opportunity to marinate on one passage for five days. Each day has one to two questions that help you immerse yourself in that passage. Sometimes I get intimidated by questions that want me to give one right answer and I appreciate that these questions have all backgrounds that can answer and take part.
Jessica Gilbert:Okay, I just gotta say that, for someone who's been a little worn out from doing some Bible studies, I felt initially doubtful about the whole reading the same scripture over and over again, part like am I gonna get bored? I was pleasantly surprised at this study because it engaged me in a different way, making familiar passages come to life. The questions are different than what I'm used to and I like that you can go as in-depth as you have capacity for. Sometimes I only have five minutes, other times I have a little longer and can kind of sit in the passage more and soak in it. Either way, I experience closer connection to Jesus' story through this study.
Jesslyn Adams:Each day I might gain something different. I'll think, okay, I'm gonna reread this passage, I remember what it says, but then God says something different to me that day. I get pumped thinking about it. Ladies, in fact, why don't we give our listeners a taste of our MBS2Go Advent study together right now Sounds good to me.
Jesslyn Adams:Let's do it. The season of Advent is upon us. Christians have observed Advent to remember Jesus' birth and anticipate his return since the fourth century. It is a season of contemplation and celebration. Advent is a Latin word meaning coming arrival. This is an Advent study that focuses on the scriptures directly related to Jesus' arrival. It has four weeks of content and if you've never led a Bible study, nothing to fear. Our Leaders Guide on the MBS2Go website helps anyone easily facilitate this Bible study.
Pam McCune:This Advent study is a good option for people with different backgrounds of denominations, different religions, or even someone who has no spiritual background at all, since it isn't coming from one denomination but directly scripture that asks two questions a day for five days. When you get together, you get to go through those 10 questions and discuss what stood out to you and what you saw. It's always good to have an icebreaker question for everyone to answer at the beginning, to warm up, to be in together as we think about Christmas. There are many different options from what is your favorite Christmas smell or candle, or your favorite Christmas tradition or memory.
Jesslyn Adams:And as we look at the Advent study week, one passage. Right now we're going to answer your questions from two of the days today. Let's start with an icebreaker, like Pam suggested, so do either of y'all have a favorite Christmas smell or candle?
Jessica Gilbert:I mean, wouldn't everybody say Christmas tree? That's my favorite and probably I miss it the most because we have had a fake tree. You know, any candle that smells like a Christmas tree, I'm all about it.
Pam McCune:I'm a cinnamon girl. I like anything with cloves and cinnamon.
Jesslyn Adams:I love that. I'm like you, pam. I love, like an apple spice connection. I think I have that in some of our plugins right now. Why don't we get started, pam, would you mind reading aloud Matthew 1, 18 through 25 and Luke chapter 2, 1 through 7?.
Pam McCune:In Matthew 1. It says this is how the birth of Jesus came about. His mother, mary, was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. But after he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son. You were to give him the name Jesus. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. The virgin will be with child and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel, which means God with us. When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son and he gave him the name Jesus.
Pam McCune:In Luke 2,. In those days, caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria and everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up to the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea, to Bethlehem, the town of David, because he belonged in the house in line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. When they were there, the time came for the baby to be born and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the end. Thanks, pam.
Jesslyn Adams:All right. So let's imagine that we're in this passage, as crazy as it seems. Describe the setting, the sights, the smell and whatever you might hear and how might you feel in this situation.
Jessica Gilbert:This is my favorite question. I don't think anyone has ever asked me this question when reading a Bible passage before this study. When I go back and read this, there's a few things that stand out to me, like even just now realizing the angel appeared doing them a dream Like why did the angel phone it in? The angel didn't just show up? Was he afraid of freaking Joseph out? Or he was too tired to show up in person? I think that's kind of interesting. Having my third child a year ago, thinking about Mary, you know what would she feel. Can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be to have to take a journey on foot or donkey like 90 some miles away from home in your third trimester. When I was pregnant, I remember sitting in a comfortable Toyota Camry and being oh, I'm so in pain right now, complaining left and right, I can't imagine her. Or just even walking I maybe walked two miles a day and that was really challenging. So for her to make that journey. I can feel the discomfort there, oh yeah.
Pam McCune:I kind of think about my weaknesses of overpacking. Whenever we go to a conference I show up with four bags and nobody has room in their car to bring them home. I'm like, how do you prep to have a baby on the road on a donkey? Like what would you pack to be ready for that? I can't even imagine. But obviously God had a plan.
Pam McCune:I love, jessica, that you pointed out about this angel coming during the dream, because we were given a lot of details that he was planning on a divorce. To be betrothed meant they had all the ceremony, all the parts, except for sealed the deal, you know the honeymoon part. That hadn't happened, but still they had to have a formal divorce to end it, that he cared so much that she was going to become a public disgrace. It sounds like he was anxious and stressed about it and he did what I do when I get stressed I take a nap and God's like that's fine, you can take a nap, I'm still going to intervene in your thoughts. And he sent Gabe to go talk to him. In the dream, god met him in his coping skills of getting away from the stress.
Jesslyn Adams:That's so interesting. I never thought I'd be like that, pam. It's neat to see the Lord work through that. Jessica, I can relate to being in the car, having a ton of contractions and complaining that I was in a car. It's better than what she had. It's just nuts to think I'd rather not have my baby in my hometown or my house or my hospital with all the conveniences that we have. Lord, have mercy Also to be in Joseph's shoes and have an angel of the Lord visit you and tell you that Mary is pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Wow, I'd feel shocked, scared, maybe excited too. Let's move on to day four. Question what hope does this passage offer, and what hope does this passage give you specifically?
Jessica Gilbert:When I consider how uncomfortable Mary was. It kind of makes me think of how that's just like trusting God. In our daily lives Today we go through things that make us groan and complain and question like why is this so hard right now? But we put our hope in the coming of Christ into our daily lives and when he'll ultimately come back. Think about all the disgusting smells that Jesus was born into and how he deserves so much better. But that that's a God I can put my hope and trust in, a God who is an above the suffering that even the lowest of lows would have experienced.
Jessica Gilbert:And for me personally, I just think of how I need that hope, even in the daily things that make me groan and complain. My sweet son just needing to be held all the time, his whole 25 pound self plus. At the same time I got a two year old. That's like Mom take me potty and try to like carry both of them and it's like why? What is going on right now? Having hope that God is going to get me through anything, all these things are temporary and he offers relief. That's something that gives me hope.
Pam McCune:I relate to that. God would have his son,
Pam McCune:Having Jesus come, that was in a manger and a stable with the animals around, and choosing to see it as good that God met Mary and Joseph in the midst of it to give them a blessing of getting to raise Jesus and have this child that had been watching for for hundreds of years. That had been the silent years of when will the Messiah come. And here they both got the news that they were going to be a part of it and that when Joseph woke up from his dream he didn't make a pro con list, he didn't analyze while I obey or not obey. It sounds like he woke up and he went and took Mary home as his wife. That gives me hope for me when the hard things come, to say you know what? God has a plan and he can get me through it and I can choose to be hopeful and joyful and to see what's going to come out of it. Mary and Joseph did, and they got to raise God's son and see the glory of God, the salvation in her the world.
Jesslyn Adams:I love those thoughts. I'm thinking too, no matter the difficult circumstance that I'm in, what y'all talked about, whether littles or whatever stage of life family member not doing well physically, no matter what prophecy was fulfilled and we have a manual God with us, like we have, jesus with us every day in relationship with him. That gives me immense hope that I don't have to be fearful or scared because he's right there with me. This was just a simple taste of the admin study, just a couple days. I love it when we do this together. We read, he speaks and we are transformed. When we study the Bible together, god promises to reveal himself, to teach us how to obey him and to show us how to love one another. And when we are changed to become more like Jesus, our family, workplaces and communities will be eternally impacted. And when we do it together, in a cluster, it takes all the responsibility off one person and lets you work out of your strengths and we can shine even brighter.
Pam McCune:I don't know if you have had an opportunity to do the Advent study on you version. We have all four weeks on the you version plan. You go to Advent come, let us adore him. It has 20 days. You can do that in the four weeks of five days each week or you could just go 20 days and do it personally, but it's also set up that you can do it with friends.
Pam McCune:When you go to the plan and you say start plan, it will ask you the question do it by yourself or to do it with a group? And if you're doing it with a group, the next thing it'll give you a link so that you can send it out to anyone you want to invite to do it with you. One of the things I like about the you version is that it will actually read the verses to me each day If I click audio or it'll show it to me and I can read it right there and it has the two questions. And then afterwards I can go and there's a place where it says talk about it and you can share your thoughts and your friends, your family, your neighbors if you want to do it online together can share their thoughts as well, Jessica, you've done different studies in your neighborhood. How did you invite others to do a study with you?
Jessica Gilbert:Yeah. So at that block party that we just had, we had a contact sheet and asked people to indicate if they were interested in doing a neighborhood Bible study. A couple of ladies said yes, and I'm thinking about inviting them to try this Advent study. One thing about them is that their first language is Vietnamese. I'd love for them to get to see the questions in both languages, is that?
Pam McCune:an option. It's a great option and that's what I love about so many languages that we've already translated for the Advent study is that each person can read it, because they're free and they're easy to download so they can look at it on their computer, on their phone, or you could print it out and then they're looking at the same questions in Vietnamese as you are in English. I've done it in other countries. One time in Turkey, a group of us were together and we were looking in five different languages at the same time. It was phenomenal. It was a beautiful picture of the world coming together.
Jesslyn Adams:Wow. Recently my home church. We had some pastors from Uganda come and I'm thinking, oh my goodness, we have connections there. I can resource them with these Bible studies. It's not just what we can do with others, but we can share these resources for other people to use. What I love about it is I have people come into these Bible studies that have said this is the first time I think I'm really studying the Bible, like me and God sitting down. They're seeing God speak to them and they are eager to speak up. And I love these questions because they're open-ended. The people are sharing personal things, the group's really connecting and they're inviting their friends. It's just a privilege. I feel like we just provided a space and God's the one doing the work.
Pam McCune:That's incredible, jesslyn, jessica, any highlights that you have.
Jessica Gilbert:I've led a study with elementary and high school aged girls and the questions are simply put enough that a younger audience could do them. I've really enjoyed that. One of the studies the question was draw out what you are envisioning as you read this passage, and they got into it and they actually remembered the verse. That was super cool. They walked away remembering what it was we learned because they were drawing at the same time.
Pam McCune:And Jessica, what a joy it is to shine with you in a cluster as the three of us get to carry this baton together to present to people called to shine Instagram and called to shine podcast. What a treat to have you on the program today. Thank you so much for joining us. If you had one last word of advice about shining in a cluster, what would you say?
Jessica Gilbert:I would say don't be afraid to ask, Don't be afraid to invite somebody to come alongside you and reach out. They can just be in it with you and ask you to process with them. That's the biggest thing. I would encourage people.
Pam McCune:Jessica, thank you so much for joining us. We love having you. Thanks for having me. I love being on.
Jesslyn Adams:Remember, you can find the Advent Study at mbs2gocom, along with many other free studies in many languages. Is God nudging you to step out and go through it with friends, your own family and kiddos, or your neighbors, coworkers? It is a great way to set your heart on the reason for the season and to do it with a friend in a cluster who shines with you. We have so much more to explore together. So be sure to subscribe to our podcast and if today is inspired or encouraged you, you can help others find us by taking a moment to give us a review on your favorite podcast streaming site.
Pam McCune:And as our thanks for joining us here, we invite you to follow us on Instagram at called to shine. As part of our called to shine Instagram community, you will get encouragement and ideas to help you connect to the people around you.
Jesslyn Adams:And, as always, you can find resources to help you shine the light of Jesus at mbs2gocom neighbor Bible studies to go. In our next episode we look at how to light up with gratitude in this season of thankfulness.
Pam McCune:Thanks for joining us today. We are called to shine.