Called to Shine Podcast
Welcome to the community where we explore how Jesus is our light, and we are here to spur each other on to love God and others right where we live. We are called to shine.
Come join the community on Instagram @called_toshine, we would love to see you there!
-- A ministry of NBS2GO (Neighbor Bible Studies 2GO/ and Cru.
Called to Shine Podcast
Pointing People to Jesus This Christmas: Becoming the Star of Bethlehem Part 3
How can we be a ray of hope, light and joy to others this Christmas? By pointing them to Jesus- through gifts of service, prayer, words, and the gift of our presence. And if you are giving a tangible gift, consider a spiritually sensitive present that points to the meaning of Christmas.
We retrace the steps of the first Christmas, looking at Zachariah and Elizabeth and their calling to parent, John—the herald and forerunner of Jesus. We, too, can be forerunners and take inspiration from the star of Bethlehem, lighting the way for others to experience the true joy of Christmas.
Finding the perfect Christmas gift doesn’t have to be expensive or stressful. We can gift people in many ways beyond tangible presents—from gifts of service, prayer, words as well as the gift of our presence. Reaching out to those in need can bring true joy and fulfillment, even more than the most wished for gift. Whether it's volunteering at a local food bank, helping a family in need, or simply praying for those who send us Christmas cards, we can make a difference.
Christmas is an incredible opportunity to uplift those around us with prayer and words. The gift of words, so simple, yet so profound and can brighten and give courage to someone's holiday season, especially those experiencing challenging times. Find resources and tips on how to pray for others during the season and give the gift that keeps on giving. These gifts don't require a hefty price tag, they just need a generous heart.
As we enter the Christmas season, let's ask God to make us like John and the star of Bethlehem, pointing the way to Jesus and preparing the hearts of those around us.
Leave treats for delivery drivers and postal workers. Download Signs & Notes Here.
Pray for those around you. Find 3 prayer resources here.
The Meaning of The Candy Cane
My 1st Christmas in Heaven Poem
SOCIAL MEDIA: @called_toshine Instagram.
Follow us on Instagram and enjoy the community as we spur each other on through inspiration, encouragement, and equipping.
And always you can find resources to help you connect to the people around you at NBS2GO! (
— A ministry of NBS2GO: Neighbor Bible Studies to Go and Cru
Hello,Jesslyn here, and Pam, welcome to the community where we explore how Jesus is our light and we are here to spur each other on to love God and others, right where we live.
Jesslyn Adams:We are called to shine. In episode 7, we looked at how to stop and savor the Savior throughout the Christmas season. In episode 8, we looked at how to set apart our family time and say yes to God by loving the people in our life right now through traditions, hospitality and table talk. This episode, we will look at how to point people to Jesus, just like the star of Bethlehem pointed to the wise man to worship the baby.
Pam McCune:We decided to go back to the first Christmas and see why can we glean from the original Christmas to find how we can make it memorable, meaningful and simple. We came down to three things that it centered around. It centered around a family, and then we found out that it centered around a message he is coming, the Messiah is coming. It centered around a baby that was worthy to be worshiped because of who he was the first Christmas. When we read about Gabriel coming to Mary, it started within the sixth month. It was the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy. Elizabeth, mary's cousin, was pregnant, which was an amazing thing to celebrate. Here's what it said In the time of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zachariah who belonged to the priestly division.
Pam McCune:His wife, Elizabeth, was also a descendant of Aaron. Both of them were righteous in the sight of the Lord, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly. But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive and they were both very old. Once, when Zachariah's division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God, he was chosen by lot, according to the custom of the priesthood, to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense, and when the time for the burning of the incense came, all the assembled worshipers were praying outside. Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him and standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zachariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. Now, this is how you respond when you see a warrior angel you are gripped with fear. I don't know what was wrong with Mary, but Zachariah had the right response. But the angel said Do not be afraid, Zachariah, your prayer has been heard. Are you like me? You're praying for everything and you're wondering. Oh, I wonder which prayer that was. I don't think so, because Zachariah and Elizabeth the prayer of their heart was to have a child. And the angel said your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you were to call him John. He will be a joy and delight to you and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He has never to take wine or other fermented drink and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord, their God, and he will go on before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.
Pam McCune:Zachariah asked the angel one question, just like Mary Actually it looked a lot like Mary's question. He said how can I be sure of this? I'm an old man and my wife is well along. In years he had much better etiquette than Gabriel. He didn't call her old, but the angel said to him I am Gabriel, I stand in the presence of God and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not be able to speak until the day this happens because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time, even though they were the same words. There was something about the heart that Zachariah doubted that the angel could make it happen, maybe from his age of being disappointed over and over again.
Pam McCune:Meanwhile, the people are outside waiting for Zachariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the temple. Well, when he came out, he could not speak to them. Can you imagine what this was like? He had the best news, the best scoop he was going to tell them that they were going to have a baby and God had a plan for him, and that he saw an angel and he can't do any words. We think this might be the first game of charades. He came out, he's flapping his arms, saying angel, and then he's rocking a baby, trying to say baby, and you know they're thinking what is wrong with him.
Pam McCune:Bottom line is this wasn't an immaculate conception and Zachariah acted on what he heard and he believed because he went and spent time with Elizabeth and she came up pregnant, it says. When his time of service was completed he returned home and after this his wife became pregnant. For five months she remained in seclusion. Then she said the Lord has done this for me. How sweet is that that she was seen by God and she was thankful that he saw her inner desire and he said, yes, in those days he had shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people. It was a disgrace to be bearing as if she had done something wrong and God had removed the disgrace. Who knows if she waited those five months so that she could come out showing and all of a sudden go ta-da, I'm pregnant.
Pam McCune:But you know what, wow, how amazing this season we get to be, just like that First season that John was conceived and brought about with a purpose to tell people about Jesus coming. Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, to point people to Jesus, to prepare people. We can do that today. It's a time that we actually can say Merry Christmas and Christ. So we can do that in a myriad of ways Loving them where they're at and to be the light, help them to come meet the Christ child. For me, it can be sharing with people my excitement about why I love this season so much.
Pam McCune:I love giving gifts, so one of the things I like to do is put a basket by my door so whoever comes, they're going to get a treat. Maybe it's some lotions, maybe it's a candy cane, because I can put the story of what the candy cane was meant. You know those biblical candy canes, the red and white ones. You that are using those different colors. Those are not biblical candy canes. The person that made the candy cane had a reason that the white symbolized Jesus' purity and perfection and why he could pay the penalty for us, and the red means his blood that had to be spilled to actually take our payment so that we could be in a relationship with God, and he intertwined them together in the shape of a J for Jesus or a shepherds hook, because he's the great shepherd. So I like printing off that story of the original candy cane means and tying it to a candy cane. I have no idea If kids come, they can take one and has a meaning. The story that comes can have a special gift. But I don't just like to give those gifts to whoever comes to my door the Christmas season.
Pam McCune:I like these six-inch spike nails that are a replicate the original Roman nail that were used to attach Jesus on the cross. There's a tradition that you put this nail on your tree first because it represents the first Christ tree who decorated it with his life. For my kids we hide it deep inside and we make it a game of can you find it? Can you find it? But we know it's the first ornament that goes on our tree.
Pam McCune:When Mr. Terminix came to spray my house in December because that's what we do in Texas, we have bugs I ran out and said oh, merry Christmas, I forgot to give you your gift. And I handed him his six-inch spike nail and I said, oh, I hope you don't already have one. And he said I assure you, no one's ever given me a six-inch spike nail. But he looked down and he read the card on it and he looked back up and he said thank you for reminding me what we're celebrating. This means a lot to me. We also have two-inch spike nails to remember Christ. Why he was born was to come to actually die for us so that we can be in relationship with God. As long as I'm giving a gift, I would love for it to point people to Jesus. Let's be honest. We have a lot of gifts to buy from teachers to friends that we might not have a lot of money to give, but if we can give it a spiritually significant, that really helps point to Jesus as well.
Jesslyn Adams:Don't forget those people who come to your door daily this season you know delivery drivers and postal workers. Go ahead and put a basket by the door, add some water bottles and treats in it. Ready to go. Maybe a little thank you note that says we appreciate you. This season, merry Christmas. In our show notes we will have links to these thank you note designs so that you can download and print yourself.
Pam McCune:The link that you can download them. There's five different options, depending on if you want a serious, pretty or comical one that you can download that says thank you so much for delivering us our goodies. Please take one. We appreciate you and Merry Christmas. I go ahead and laminate it, but you don't have to, you can just print it off. They see it. Most of them know by now that a lot of us do this, and so they know. Okay, I'm supposed to take one of these. That's why she has the basket where I drop off all of her packages.
Pam McCune:This is a crazy job to have this time of year because I think I keep them in business by just me, or at least my husband thinks I keep them in business. But all the times I click order now and I like having things delivered to my house, why would I want to go in the store? They're crazy. This time of year. All of you people out there seem to be hurried and cranky. I wouldn't much rather sit in my house and push order and let Mr Driver come to my house and just give him an added blessing.
Jesslyn Adams:Those Amazon drivers. They really need our love and appreciation. They're working overtime, so it's a good idea to remember them. Pam, I've seen the power of gift giving. In fact, today my friend Jeremiah played pickleball with him. Every Tuesday they become a little family and I remember I had just been there a couple months and I thought Valentine's Day is coming up. I would love to bless them and let me just tell you, everybody wants a pickleball ball because there's a certain ball you need to use. So I thought I'll give some candy, put a pickleball in a bag and we'll see what God does. And today, several months later, jeremiah said Jaisalyn, I remember when you brought those balls and you gave it to all of us, I went home and told my wife about that. That had such an impact and made me realize the people that I play pickleball with. They're special and you're like family to me. I'm here for you and you're here for me.
Pam McCune:Now Jesslyn, is gift giving, your love language. How do you feel about buying gifts this Christmas?
Jesslyn Adams:I do love giving gifts. It's probably right there afterwards of affirmation. With Christmas coming up, I would love to bless everybody with tons of gifts, but I typically just set a small budget and think about the key people that I see in certain businesses. In fact, over Thanksgiving week I realized the girl that cuts my boy's hair. I would love to bring her something special, and so I was at my favorite bakery and I thought I'm gonna buy some scones for her and her ladies that work there and it meant so much to her. And so I'm thinking who are those people that I see on a regular basis that I can get gifts for, and it doesn't have to be much? I mean, a lot of times I go get some peppermint Ghirardelli chocolates and a little notes and people just love the thought. I think it's the thought that counts.
Pam McCune:I think you think well, because you have given me two really special gifts over the last year that you thought through what I would really appreciate. You sent them to me, from my Texas Tac insulated cup to Mama Holmes candle and it was definitely a blessing. So, be it peppermint chocolate, or you go ahead and spend the big budget all of us can think through. Who can we bless and give them those gifts we can give Pam.
Jesslyn Adams:I also like the idea of gift, of service. Some of the most memorable Christmases that I can remember are actually when we took part in trying to bless somebody else over the season. There were a couple different occasions that our Bible study, the families. We all chipped in to help donate to a family that was in need for Christmas and we took the kids with us to go shopping. We got their wish list and it was so different and it was like the first time our kids really understood okay, like some people don't have all the presents that I get on Christmas morning or the idea of I'm getting this gift for somebody else, and so whenever we took the gifts, they were wrapped, we brought a meal. It blessed me more than I ever realized. I'm not sure if my kids remember all of it, but just the idea of helping somebody out over the Christmas season gave us a whole new perspective and gratitude.
Jesslyn Adams:This year, our small group in fact, is partnering with the local church and maybe that might be something going on in your area. I guarantee many towns have ways whether to volunteer at the food bank as a family or to distribute a Christmas meal. This year we're actually going to be helping a family that goes to a church. They need host families to help and greet people that show up to go through a line to get to pick out Christmas gifts and enjoy a meal together. I'm so excited that we're putting that in our calendar. I think this is probably going to be the event that we remember, along with Christberg.
Pam McCune:I think you're right and I think it says a lot. Just that your heart right, and it speaks much to your kids as well to say what do we really value? We value service and being the hands and feet of God, of loving others with our time, our energy and maybe our money as well. It could be official or it could be we look around and just see who God's put in our path. Is there a single mom that would very much appreciate getting to go wrap her kids gifts without her kids sneaking in? Or maybe you'd want to take her kids to go pick out a gift from the dollar store that is a surprise, for once their mom's going to get a gift that she didn't know about.
Pam McCune:Or if a single mom or an elderly having trouble putting up the tree or taking down their tree or wrapping gifts, there's a lot of things that can take many hands that we can lean into and see what the needs are around us that we could help. And yes, they're probably not going to ask for help. We're probably going to have to push ourselves in and say, hey, I'm coming over to help, let me know just what time, otherwise I'm just coming in.
Jesslyn Adams:So during the pandemic we all know that our emotional well-being was at an all-time low you needed things to be excited about Decorating your house. I mean, if you notice, everybody's decorations for every holiday now have gone up exponentially after COVID. So our sweet neighbor he is a flight attendant and he was obviously not working during the height of the pandemic and so he literally went and did four or five homes, bought the lights and strung things around our trees, just put up several things for people. I've never seen anything like that. I couldn't believe it.
Jesslyn Adams:He bought the lights, he got his ladder, he went up there. I mean he dedicated a couple of weeks because what happened was is he did it for a couple houses and people were like, oh, are you doing this, yeah, yeah. And they're like, hey, could I get you to do that? And he's like, oh, I'd love to do it. And so he didn't realize he had a little part-time gig during his time off. But those lights are still up on my trees and I love it. They make me happy, they make me think of how he blessed us and it makes me want to do the same for somebody else.
Pam McCune:That's incredible because it was during a dark time that he decided to light up the neighborhood with his gifting of what he had finances to do and what he had skillset to do.
Jesslyn Adams:It's fun. His dad came to live with him for a short period of time and his dad started coming to church with us. Wow, just surprising. Like you never know what God can do.
Pam McCune:You mentioned driving around and looking at the lights as when he was traditions when we've driven in and out of our neighborhood. I like, as we look at the lights, to pray blessings over those family members. Now I know for some of you you're thinking about their dog tore up your paper and you would like to pray for God to spite that dog. Save that for the new year. At Christmas, let's just pray blessings over each family that God would meet them where they're at, get them through the holidays and let them experience his grace, his love, his warmth, his light. And as you get those Christmas cards in the mail I know some of them are Christmas novels of every good thing that's ever happened to them and so take those and put them by your table at Christmas time for the meal and pray for one family each night.
Pam McCune:It really matters that we pray for the people that send us things. I joke that we are in the comparison game and you know it. As you put your Christmas card together and you're putting the picture, who do you look at? First you look at yourself, how you look compared to the rest of the family, and when we look at everybody else's picture, it's hard for us not to analyze that family, but what if we check ourselves and instead we did pray blessings over each family and ask God to be with them in the parts we don't know behind the story of what they're dealing with this Christmas and have that sensitivity? Prayer's the gift that keeps on giving.
Jesslyn Adams:On our NBS2go website. We have three helpful resources for praying for people, versus in topics. You can pray the Lord's Prayer for Neighbors and a resource on prayer walking for your neighborhood, your child's school event or the heart of the city. I need help and I need guidance, and these are some great, helpful tools in your tool belt. Never underestimate the power of prayer. This is where it all begins. Also, you can give the gift of words at Christmas. This doesn't have to cost you more than a stamp Putting a riding basket together, some cards, favorite pens, stamps and, as God brings someone to mind, give the gift of words by jotting a note.
Jesslyn Adams:Proverbs 11: 25 says he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. The gift of words is an opportunity to refresh others. This could be a leader of a group, maybe at your church, the person who's over the child care, someone you volunteer with. Have you noticed that leaders typically get most of our complaints it's too hot, that wasn't good enough, too cold, not enough music, too loud. They get a lot of that, but not encouragement. So what about spraying one another on instead, so we can help build up God's kingdom?
Pam McCune:I appreciate that, just. I appreciate that Just, I do have. So she needed some encouragement. That year I got the I celebrate you card and all the way through it there's all kinds of beautiful illustrations and good words, but then there's blanks for you to fill in your part of why you celebrate somebody. In that one I wrote all the different ways I appreciate her and I celebrate her. And I'll tell you I found it in her closet later in life in her treasure box of things that she wanted to hold on to.
Pam McCune:And remember Now, my son. The year that he let me get to know his teachers really well because they called me all the time, but I needed him to know that he wasn't special, but that he was special. That year I put it down in a card and I wrote all the ways that I appreciated him Because he was getting a lot of negative attention because he couldn't sit still at school. I'll just tell those ADHD boys and girls, that have to sit there for 8 hours, it is challenging always to be told you're doing things wrong, and so we can come alongside our kids, our grandkids, our nieces and nephews and tell them all the things they're doing right and that we appreciate about them and it's something they will treasure.
Pam McCune:The year that I hit it out of the ballpark was when I sat my husband down and I sat a timer.
Pam McCune:I have 3 minutes and I actually got the book that says I celebrate you, mom, and I told my husband okay, I've starred 3 pages and I want you to write 3 things that you appreciate your mom Aww, and I want you to beat the clock.
Pam McCune:Now he loved it because it was a challenge and so he wrote down the deepest meaningful things on those 3 pages and said he loved and appreciated his mom. When she opened the gift she liked it, but when she read the card she loved it and she cried. It was a win-win Because she thought it was all about her, because she loved having her son's words written down and told that he really appreciated and saw her for who she was and all that she had done for him. Now my husband thought it was all about him because he had written it and truth is, I knew it was all about me because it was my idea Write someone the gift of words, as God shows you somebody that might need encouragement, or that you just have some sweet words to give to them and that might be the gift that keeps on giving you love, making people cry.
Jesslyn Adams:Those were tears of joy too. I know what your heart was. I just had lunch with a friend and she had gone to a prison to do an outreach with a friend. And this friend said one thing we like to do when we visit the inmates is write a note of encouragement. She goes okay, well, who am I going to have? And she's like I don't know, god will give you a word. Just get your pen and write something that you think they would want to hear from the Lord. So she did it.
Jesslyn Adams:She showed up, she got to meet him and he's like hey, she's like my name's Stephanie, I don't know what I'm doing, but handed the note, he read it and cried in front of her. This grown man, he goes. I never would have thought you ladies would have come in here and done this, but this I feel seen and heard, and so it just made me realize how many opportunities we have with the power of words, and if we write it down, like you said, we get to stow it away. I know some notes that I've written my husband and my kids. They've kept in little journals or books, and I've done the same as well.
Pam McCune:Justine, I think, because finances can be tricky at this season, we want to give gifts and we save and do that, but for sometimes this can be the magic thing giving the gift of prayer, but also of giving the gift of words because it really doesn't have to cost us more than a stamp.
Pam McCune:We don't have to write in the book, we can write on just a card and send it off, and it'd be powerful to someone Especially think about those who are experiencing a Christmas without someone that you might want to write one of those handwritten notes and acknowledge that you know they're missing that person and that maybe you miss them as well. Wanda Bencke wrote this poem. Her daughter was 13 years old, with a handicap, and on Christmas day of 1997, the daughter had a seizure and was in a coma for five days before she passed away. During those five days, wanda wrote this point my first Christmas in heaven. I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, with tiny lights, like heaven stars reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular. Please wipe away that tear, for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
Jesslyn Adams:I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, but the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring, for it is beyond description to hear the angels sing. I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart, but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart.
Pam McCune:So be happy for me, dear ones you know I hold you dear and be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
Jesslyn Adams:I send you each a special gift from my heavenly home above. I send you each a memory of my undying love. After all, love is the gift more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Pam McCune:Please love and keep each other as my Father said to do, for I can't count the blessings or love he has for each of you. So have a merry Christmas and wipe away that tear. Remember I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year. Is there someone that's missing a loved one that you would like to bless with this point to say I see your pain, I know you miss them. We will always grieve on earth. That may be a little bit of a picture of what they might be experiencing in heaven, or maybe you acknowledging the pain and what you miss from that person as well will help them feel seen and someone stepping in to their pain with them.
Pam McCune:For me, I found this point when very special woman who is like a second mom to me her husband had died and I know it was a really hard year and I wanted to say I see your pain and I'm in it with you. But here is something that might give encouragement. We can give the gift of words to people that this is really a tough season and they're not looking forward to Christmas at all. A hug from us that we care and that they are not invisible Physical gifts. We can give the gift of prayer and we can give the gift of words.
Pam McCune:Most of our presents in just time is one that you don't want to forget. I'm just spending time with people and helping them their yard, put up their lights, put up their tree or wrap those packages, or just watch them wrap their packages, because some people don't want to do it alone. So if we'll just be in it with people, it can be a gift that shows I see you, I care, and I'm seasoning my surroundings. I'm saying Merry Christmas. We are so excited to celebrate Jesus this season. First Corinthians 13, the Christmas version.
Jesslyn Adams:If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls. But do not have love, I'm just another decorator.
Pam McCune:If a slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime. But do not have love. I'm just another cook.
Jesslyn Adams:If I work at a soup kitchen, carol and the nursing home and give all that I have to charity but do not have love, it profits me nothing.
Pam McCune:If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes. Attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir's cantata, but do not focus on Christ. I have missed the point.
Jesslyn Adams:Love stops the cooking to hug the child. Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the spouse. Love is kind, though hairy and tired. Love does not envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens. Love does not yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way.
Pam McCune:Love does not give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who cannot. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Love never fails.
Jesslyn Adams:Toys will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rest, but giving the gift of love will endure. So ask God to give you opportunities to point people to Jesus in eyes, to see those opportunities.
Pam McCune:Seasoning your surroundings by pointing people to the Messiah, to the Savior, to Jesus.
Jesslyn Adams:A verse that I marinate on over Christmas, for unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, prince of Peace, we pray that this season you do experience the peace of Christ alone. We have so much more to explore together. So be sure to subscribe to our podcast, and if today is inspired or encouraged you, you can help others find us by taking a moment to give us a review on your favorite podcast streaming site.
Pam McCune:And as our thanks for joining us here, we invite you to follow us on Instagram at called to shine. As part of our called to shine Instagram community, you will get encouragement and ideas to help you connect to the people around you.
Jesslyn Adams:And, as always, you can find resources to help you shine the light of Jesus at mbs2gocom Neighbor Bible Studies to go. In our next episode we will look into coming alongside one specific group that needs our warmth and light during the holiday season the military. Don't miss our conversation with Beth Runkel from Crew Military.
Pam McCune:Thanks, for joining us today. We are called to shine.